Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jenny Wehrt

            I was looking through some pop art because I love it so bold and provocative at times. I came across this image and had to share it. this is Jenny Wehrt, the name of the piece is  The Pleasure Machine.

I have immediate reactions to this it sends me off on a tangent of angry feminist rants that rage from soap boxes and denounce the objectifying of women and the adage about you can be anything sexuality is not all you are. Then it went to the being wound up part and played like a toy and that pissed me off too. Then I fell in love with this because that was what I think it is supposed to do real art brings real emotion makes you think promotes thought and change.


I started this as a way to gain beauty in my life everyday mainly the by product being I could look back at this and enjoy the road it took me on and making art real to my self and other not so intimidating. Well I started good then started judging my self feeling stupid for what i saw or thought as I looked  or how the real art people would be judging me. It intimidated me into not writing for a while. That intimidation was what I started this about I love art all art even bad art because it is an expanded of our soul those art people that make it so out of reach make the rest of us loose out on expanded vision. SO I dedicate my self to bring art to real life.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Leonid Afremov

I found this painting by Leonid Afremov he is an Israeli oil painter. It just stood out to me I could not find another name for it other than #6 So take time to take this in with me. 

I love the vibrancy of the colors and movement it seems to bring you can see some of the quick steps of some of the people walking while the couple strolls along window shopping after a dinner date there is so much life and joy in the way this is painted  the reflection of the puddles adds so much. It feels to me like a busy pedestrian walk way when it is better weather while a few people are taking advantage of the bad weather for less crowds some are there because they have some where to go and have had no choice in the matter.  I think this place in the afternoon would be filled with shoppers and ladies lunching and business people rushing from meeting to meeting. a place where community is built and friendship are started and life it self is lived. 

What do you see?

Friday, May 11, 2012

art people over look.

I wanted to something on a modern art I think people over look and belittle a bit. So I choose a piece from German artist Harry Guenert. I find these types of painting fascinating and hate that people underestimate them or choose them because they match their couch or think they could do. So take some time and take this in.

I love the seaming simplicity of this while the complected textures really make it beautiful. it feels very peaceful and old like a favorite pair of shoes or a rusty old car. That worn in comfort that feels like home. Almost like an old sleeping bag you have had for years. I love the randomness of the pattern and natural feel to it. It is weird the depth that appears to live there in such an uncomplicated image. With the limited color there is so much color actually there.

So this is what I took in what did you?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daim, Temper

So I thought I would go a different direction today and do a edgier art piece. By 3D artist Diaim, Temper. Take the time to look at this let it move you. 

This brings to mind a terminator view of tec for me. If you build it they will take over and destroy us. Middle of the cyber Apocalypse view. The vibrant colors and life with it's patterns being disrupted and torn up even eaten not sure how they would eat it or why be they are. I am fairly sure a Rumba is not going to take over but I can assure you Lucy my dog does not share those feelings. I feel like I want to name this thing popping through Zolan the vacumenater or something I may watch too much Sci-fy. I find my self building a back story in my head for it. this is all I can think of while I look at this the feelings it give me is to take action some how it provokes a fighting spirit in me. 

So what does this say to you?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Ok so I am finding out I love Dutch artists and design more than I knew i keep finding pictures and designers I like and they are all dutch who knew. ok so put on your wooden shoes and join me for the first Graphic artist ever M. C. Escher. I love most of his pics I know this is starting to look like a collage dorm collection but stick with me. These are fascinating pieces not just for stoners any more. This is called Bond on union

This is so amazing I have a hard time making finished things look like they are what they are and he takes a face and draws it as strips and pulls it off awesome. like a apple peal in a bubble tea. I love that the couple in one peal and interconnected around the temple like they have so much unity they linked. I like bubbles floating around  it just feels so peaceful and calming. Ok so it has taken a S&M turn in my head so I am going to stop writing now.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pearl earring

I have been drawn by this painting for years I love the dutch painter with light and dark play of light. This one is interesting they made a movie about it. I have not wanted to see it for fear of it wrecking the painting for me but I wanted people to look at the real deal and let it touch them. So here it is Girl with the Pearl Earring by Vermeer.

I love the colors used the yellow blue and just a tint of red in the lips. the hints of white on the dark back ground. I am not sure of the look she is giving what it is saying it looks almost fearful but with peace in the face seems so out of place. the eyes and the pearl both glow. her eyes look of innocents but weariness too. Not so much to harden her. She seems so young to have even as much jading as it looks to me that I see more and more as I look. I do not see a fire of independence more of submitting in her face.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One of my favorite artists

SO I figured It is my choice of what I get to put here so I am putting one of my favorite artists Rene Magritte I have always love surrealism it has such whimsy to it his pictures of the very proper man with the apple for a face have been one I look for often. For this I choose his painting Apple couple. Hope you like it as much as I do.
 I love the whimsy of this. I love that it could be a normal fruit painting but it conveys so much more I think it speaks to me of relationships as people we put our best forward hiding the parts we do not like but like the browned edges of the leaves it shows any way. It is like every facebook couple I see smiling away from profile after profile. I love how out of place and over sized they are. the moon out showing through the clouds on a sunny day. The feeling of it being ok and not all at the same time perfectly normal and abnormal too. It reminds me not to take life so serious and to be silly once in a while. I am sure it has deeper meanings but this is what it says to me.

What does it say to you?