Friday, May 11, 2012

art people over look.

I wanted to something on a modern art I think people over look and belittle a bit. So I choose a piece from German artist Harry Guenert. I find these types of painting fascinating and hate that people underestimate them or choose them because they match their couch or think they could do. So take some time and take this in.

I love the seaming simplicity of this while the complected textures really make it beautiful. it feels very peaceful and old like a favorite pair of shoes or a rusty old car. That worn in comfort that feels like home. Almost like an old sleeping bag you have had for years. I love the randomness of the pattern and natural feel to it. It is weird the depth that appears to live there in such an uncomplicated image. With the limited color there is so much color actually there.

So this is what I took in what did you?

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