Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One of my favorite artists

SO I figured It is my choice of what I get to put here so I am putting one of my favorite artists Rene Magritte I have always love surrealism it has such whimsy to it his pictures of the very proper man with the apple for a face have been one I look for often. For this I choose his painting Apple couple. Hope you like it as much as I do.
 I love the whimsy of this. I love that it could be a normal fruit painting but it conveys so much more I think it speaks to me of relationships as people we put our best forward hiding the parts we do not like but like the browned edges of the leaves it shows any way. It is like every facebook couple I see smiling away from profile after profile. I love how out of place and over sized they are. the moon out showing through the clouds on a sunny day. The feeling of it being ok and not all at the same time perfectly normal and abnormal too. It reminds me not to take life so serious and to be silly once in a while. I am sure it has deeper meanings but this is what it says to me.

What does it say to you?

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