Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Ok so I am finding out I love Dutch artists and design more than I knew i keep finding pictures and designers I like and they are all dutch who knew. ok so put on your wooden shoes and join me for the first Graphic artist ever M. C. Escher. I love most of his pics I know this is starting to look like a collage dorm collection but stick with me. These are fascinating pieces not just for stoners any more. This is called Bond on union

This is so amazing I have a hard time making finished things look like they are what they are and he takes a face and draws it as strips and pulls it off awesome. like a apple peal in a bubble tea. I love that the couple in one peal and interconnected around the temple like they have so much unity they linked. I like bubbles floating around  it just feels so peaceful and calming. Ok so it has taken a S&M turn in my head so I am going to stop writing now.

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