Thursday, May 17, 2012

Leonid Afremov

I found this painting by Leonid Afremov he is an Israeli oil painter. It just stood out to me I could not find another name for it other than #6 So take time to take this in with me. 

I love the vibrancy of the colors and movement it seems to bring you can see some of the quick steps of some of the people walking while the couple strolls along window shopping after a dinner date there is so much life and joy in the way this is painted  the reflection of the puddles adds so much. It feels to me like a busy pedestrian walk way when it is better weather while a few people are taking advantage of the bad weather for less crowds some are there because they have some where to go and have had no choice in the matter.  I think this place in the afternoon would be filled with shoppers and ladies lunching and business people rushing from meeting to meeting. a place where community is built and friendship are started and life it self is lived. 

What do you see?

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